My website is constantly being updated with my art and a list of my current shows.
Favorite lyrics to a song:
"Soldiers come quickly, I feel the earth beneath my feet." from the Execution of All Things by Rilo Kiley.
What are you currently reading?
"How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist" by Caroll Michels, and "Limbo" by A. Manette Ansay
Favorite movies:
I Heart Huckabees, Little Miss Sunshine, Amelie, Garden State, and Boondock Saints.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I grew up in Petaluma, CA. I've always loved art, and started oil painting at 14. I went to San Diego State University and earned my BA in Painting and Printmaking with an Art History minor in May 2006. Since graduating I traveled to Costa Rica and Peru. I missed my family and moved back to Petaluma, where I work at Whole Foods Market as a chalkboard artist.
Tell us about your recent artwork.
I have been working on a new series called "Quarter Life Crisis." I've been creating more collages in birth control pill cases and painting on canvases.
Describe the environment and atmosphere you work in for us; do you generally work alone or with people? Is it quiet or do you play music?
Right now I am working in my apartment. I generally like to listen to music or talk to my roommate if she is home. When I was in school I loved to talk while I created. I met great friends in schools by having conversations while painting like Suzanne and Adrienne.
What interests do you have other than art?
I like to do yoga, exercise and travel. I'm also very passionate about helping the environment. For Christmas last year I gave every one renewable choice energy wind power cards, and energy saving light bulbs in a reusable canvas bag.